Credit:由Kazuyo Sejima + ryuue Nishizawa制作, SANAA (c)新南威尔士州美术馆, 2021



彩宝网平台的建筑规范咨询团队提供法规方面的专家建议, 建筑工程的规范和安全. 采用积极主动的方法进行建筑控制, 彩宝网平台确定具有成本效益的设计解决方案, 促进认证, 进行规范审核和建筑检查, 并进行尽职调查, 合规性和批准评估. 作为代码顾问, we assist with all manner of building regulation consultancy throughout the design phases of your projects. With the introduction of the NSW Building and Development Certifiers Act on 1 July 2020, 在澳大利亚的其他州也是如此, there is a stronger distinction between design consultancy and certification functions and what constitutes a conflict of interest. 认可的认证机构/ PCAs, now known as Registered Certifiers or those who undertake certification work, will no longer be able to participate in a project’s design phases and Development Application assessments.


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与私营企业、地方和州政府合作, we have acquired over 150 combined years’ experience in building regulations, including the National Construction Code (NCC) and Building Code of 澳大利亚 (BCA). Our skilled team is uniquely positioned to provide building regulations consultancy to all facility stakeholders, 包括业主, 架构师, 开发人员, 建筑商, 分层计划和公共部门当局. 新建筑, 彩宝网平台协助建筑审批程序, helping to ensure building proposals satisfy the regulatory requirements of the approving authority.


Our team covers all phases of the design process, from pre-development to the detailed design phase. We begin by assessing proposed new works for design optimization and auditing existing structures to identify and recommend appropriate upgrading regimes. We then liaise with councils and advise on performance-based compliance design options. 在详细设计阶段, we provide an architectural and services design assessment with detailed drawings of proposed developments against the NCC.
来源:CBUS+Scentre Group


As building codes are revised and buildings change through alterations and refurbishment, 自愿和强制性的消防安全升级变得必要. 彩宝网平台丰富的经验, great teamwork and innovative approaches allow us to add value to building upgrades. We provide fire safety upgrade strategies and reporting along with inspection and audit services using both regulatory and risk-based methods. 通常涵盖针对当前代码需求的审计, 详细情况报告, 尽职调查报告, 以及消防和生命安全审计报告.


建造中的建筑物, 彩宝网平台代表建筑商提供详细的进度检查, 发展商或业主. We focus on identifying possible defects and risks to minimize the potential of a defects claim and avoid last minute issues that can delay finalization of the building works. 在建设阶段, 彩宝网平台的咨询服务包括回答RFI, addressing general building regulations and accessibility needs and considering all relevant fire safety issues.


We address fire safety assessment needs through preparation of annual fire safety statements and fire safety audits of existing buildings on behalf of building owners. A fire risk assessment report contains information about the premises being assessed with an overview of the building, 消防, 火灾隐患, 高危人群, 建设占用, 逃生方式, 以及评估的重要发现. We undertake a performance capability assessment of fire safety measures for the purpose of informing annual or supplementary fire safety.


彩宝网平台的工程师对基于性能的解决方案进行全面评估, 提供产生结果的价值工程方法. By utilising the flexibilities and opportunities available within the Performance Regulations, 彩宝网平台协助建筑开发的经济事业. We also create performance solution reports to capture the important factors in achieving the optimum building performance from a fire engineering and personal safety perspective.


彩宝网平台的团队在被动防火设计和保护的各个方面都有专业知识, 提供咨询, 测试, 以及被动防火程序和系统的认证服务. 彩宝网平台与业主密切合作, 设施管理, and building contractors across new projects and existing buildings to conduct full, 被动消防系统审计,并建议客户选择系统. 彩宝网平台还对关键的防火方法进行选址, 从防火门, floor block outs and penetration sealing to fire-activated smoke and damper systems.


法律诉讼有时是不可避免的. 当发生争议时,彩宝网平台可以提供专家意见和证据. Our experts have prepared many litigation compliant reports on buildings and the approvals process for a number of jurisdictions, 包括NCAT - NSW民事和行政法庭, 最高法院, 以及土地及环境法庭. We undertake the role of expert witness by providing detailed assessments and expert reports. We have vast experience in expert conclaves, joint inspections and mediations.


We provide certification of state and federal Crown projects for buildings and infrastructure works. Crown developments must be certified by or on behalf of the Crown to comply with the technical provisions of the 状态's building laws allowed under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act. This includes undertaking an NCC assessment of the concept design and providing a BCA Report. The process also requires a Compliance Report based on the architectural documentation pursuant to Sec 6.28 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 relating to 皇冠认证.


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